Monday, July 6, 2009

Wedding Shoot

Summer has gotten busy! My cousin was married last week. She asked me to help take wedding photos. I really enjoyed it. I worked my butt off. We got some great shots. More photos can be viewed from my smugmug galleries (link on the upper right hand area of this blog page). I am still in the process of reviewing and uploading reception shots. Image shot at 1/20 s, f/2.5, ISO 500, Nikon D90 with a 50mm f/1.4 lens (I borrowed the lens from my friend Matt). I had two Nikon SB-600s mounted to a monopod, and shot through an umbrella. I was firing the strobes using commander mode on the D90. However, I was manually controlling the flash power, and don't remember the exact flash setting.


  1. You did an outstanding job! You chose unique locations and a time of day that captures wonderful ambient light. A signature lighting style is emerging in your work.Well done!

  2. Plus, she's really, really pretty:)

  3. You have a great talent, Steve. Nice job on all these wedding photos.
